The sound of ‘OM’
The sound of the ‘Om’ is said to
have been found out by Indian Rishis ages ago. Sound has been the root for the
shaping of objects and everything around us, including ourselves. The sound of 'Om' is noted to be a C#. (C sharp)
Let’s understand how that works.
Let me introduce you to Cymatics. Cymatics was a term created by Dr. Hans
Jenny, a Swiss scientist. When materials are exposed to soundwaves, they take
different shapes according to the frequency of the soundwave they’re being
exposed to. Dr. Jenny managed to prove that the sound of particular words and
sound over all brings about change in the formation of patterns of material.
When changed to higher or lower frequencies, the pattern changes. This video
will help explain Cymatics a little better.
Let’s think of this on a larger
scale. The entire world around us and our universe must be balancing on one
constant frequency. Minute changes, growths and expansions that we see in the
universe might be long term changes during this constant frequency that is the
base and that which is solely responsible for holding things together. Could
this be the universal sound of ‘Om’ as described by Indian Rishis in the
distant past? And how did they find out about this?
Let’s see.
It is so said that with the
powerful abilities of Rishis, they were able to travel through time, different
universes and also the depths/edge of our own. This is all while supposing that
String theory and multiverse theory (multiple universes, parallel universes,
alternate realities, various dimensions) make complete sense.
There are two ways by which this would be possible – One being the story of their ability to astrally project and their ethereal bodies traveling deep into space, enabling them to hear this sound. Another would be by the use of some lost ancient technology, some so called ‘Vimanas’ that I will be discussing in later posts. These were the aircrafts of ancient India. Ancient Indians possessed a technology that made them able to travel at great speeds, maybe using a great or minimal amount of energy, like no other technology or device constructed today. If these ‘Vimanas’ existed, then they’d obviously have already made something to track soundwaves.
There are two ways by which this would be possible – One being the story of their ability to astrally project and their ethereal bodies traveling deep into space, enabling them to hear this sound. Another would be by the use of some lost ancient technology, some so called ‘Vimanas’ that I will be discussing in later posts. These were the aircrafts of ancient India. Ancient Indians possessed a technology that made them able to travel at great speeds, maybe using a great or minimal amount of energy, like no other technology or device constructed today. If these ‘Vimanas’ existed, then they’d obviously have already made something to track soundwaves.
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Astrally projecting Rishis |
The Sri Yantra was then developed
when they found out that the sound of ‘Om’ formed a particular pattern when it
was sang out perfectly. This pattern was then taken as a sacred symbol. Note,
it is all sacred geometry!
So where does this sound
originate from?
Let’s scan the chances!
To prove my theory right or
wrong, I am going to make you understand something else first. I’m sure you
know that the universe is infinite. We don’t know the ends of the world in
which we live. Things can be infinitely big and also infinitely small, because
when exploring more that is close to us, i.e the most microscopic, every time
we dig in we find something smaller than before; from tissues, to cells, to
atoms, to atomic particles, to sub-particles and so on. Also what we know is
that the very small has some great similarities with the very big. Let’s take
an atom. The nucleus is at the centre and there are electrons moving around it
in a well-defined orbit. Comparing this to the Solar System, it fits perfectly!
The Sun is in the centre and it has planetary bodies orbiting around it.
What if I told you that there is
a possibility that the very small have a world of their own? Because we don’t
know, we cannot assume that we’re the right size and everything else around us
is the same size only, now can we? What if all we see is so much that a
microscope also limits our vision of how small their world could be? It is
totally possible that we aren’t aware of a whole new space that is so small. We
in turn might be really big for them. So big, that they cannot see us! Haha,
we’re carrying them around on our clothes, heating and cooking them in our
vessels, cutting them, joining them to others, stitching them, etc!
Now for the scary part. What if we’re also that tiny for someone whose infinite enormity, we cannot classify? Giving this the right amount of thought, we know that it is probable. Supposing that is possible, this wild imagination also gives to assume the existence of n number of universes, systems, etc. In the world which is comfortable with our size, we haven’t fully explored to rule out the possibility that this doesn’t exist. What if we’re a part of the powder in the Cymatics experiment video, expect that we are at a constant frequency?
When referring to the Cymatics
experiment video, we’ve noticed that from the video through all I’ve written,
the only way we’d be a part of the powder at a constant frequency was if
someone was controlling that frequency!
I’m sure you’ve heard of science
theories stating that our entire world is a part of someone’s computer program?
Maybe, being these test subjects, someone has run a frequency through their
infinitely large computers and has planned on changing that frequency, which is
why we assume that one day the universe may end!
Stephen Hawking once said on his
show ‘Into the Universe’ that time slows down near greater masses, like black
holes, our planet, etc and the further we are away from a mass, time moves
faster and faster. Using this and assuming these beings are too large for us to
imagine in mass too, according to us, they move VERY slowly. When they look at
how we work, we move very fast.
What does this have to do with
us? Well, assuming we are a part of only a Cymatics experiment, our world for
now is functioning fine because that frequency changing may take FOREVER to us,
considering it will be a very slow change and normal for them! But it could!
There is a story pertaining to
Shiva. When Lord Shiva sits to meditate he keeps his ‘Trishul’ or Trident
standing as a sign so that no one disturbs him. Myth goes that if he is disturbed
when meditating, he will get furious and perform 108 of his own dance styles or
dance the ‘Tandav’, more like a dance of death. Is this what Hindus refer to?
Are Shiva and his meditation the prolonged chanted sound of ‘Om’ and is he that huge as
to have sat in meditation for so long keeping everything in sync? Is that what
the story could possibly mean? Do the massive vibrations of his dance count for
destroying an, according to him, small universe like ours? Or was Shiva in
possession of some technology, so as to refer to him as much more advanced,
from another planet, solar system or galaxy, or other universe, and is he
penetrating a sound so that the universe remains in sync? No one knows for sure
If humans have described Shiva to
have been our size and visiting the earth, are they just different forms or
like the movie, does he appear in Avatars?
From this we understand that
words have great meaning, no I really mean it! If a word can create resonance
and that can mean something to the surrounding – if it affects things as to shake
the foundation of particles entirely and make them form a sequence – if a
combination of words creates a significant change around, we can explain the
effects that prayers, shlokas, mantras, repeated chants, spells, etc have on
the surrounding or on us! It is not only a person’s tone but nature of the wave
and the sound of the words that affects us and makes statements meaningful!
Until next time. :)
Theoretical contributions from Keith Sequeira and John.